How wine businesses can prosper in an era of uncertainty
Business as usual is no longer. For the global wine sector, the uncertainty of the 2020s is in stark contrast to the relative stability of the preceding three decades, which saw a rising tide of global wine trade on the back of reducing…
Why has our relationship with wine changed in the Covid era?
Like it or not, citizens of the world are participating in a giant, unprecedented, ‘natural experiment’ – the Covid pandemic. Enforced changes in our everyday behaviour have had multiple impacts across markets and categories. Some…
Global wine industry predictions for 2021 – how did we do?
Our annual exercise in soothsaying 12 months ago predicted investment and upheaval in e-commerce, more wine in cans, plus growth in the ‘wine seltzer’ category. So what did 2021 bring?
After the rollercoaster of 2020, our main prediction…
The Covid accelerated shift to local wine is set to continue
A consistent theme of consumer marketing manuals is the exhortation to remain ‘close’ to your customers. The meaning of this closeness has evolved over recent decades in developed world fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) markets.…
The great ‘natural experiment’: How has consumer behaviour with wine changed during 2020 and 2021
The 2021 Nobel prize in the field of economics was awarded to three academics (Card, Angrist and Imbens) who have provided us with new insights about both labour and education and shown how to use natural experiments to better understand…
New behaviours driving wine market opportunities in the UK
Following a long-term decline, wine consumption volume in the UK was boosted by the pandemic, with wine increasing enjoyed at at-home, particularly during non-food occasions. Although wine will adjust downwards in the short term, the longer-term…
South Korea closes in on the US as most attractive global wine market
Back in April 2020, at the height of the first global Covid lockdown, the wine category was understandably nervous. One of its key routes to market – on-premise – was shut; going to the shops was difficult (and, in some cases, a danger…
China’s wine market enters its third age
Following China’s prestige-dominated first wine age, the 2010s were characterised by a growing culture of wine as both an everyday drink and as a gift at the major festivals. With Covid curtailing socialising including family events, consumer…
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